Abiding in Christ Bible Study
A study to help build a foundation of faith in Christ. The manuscript study method is used to discover what the Bible has to say about important areas of spiritual life.
This is the complete Bible Study series containing the introduction and all nine sessions.
Session 1: Assurance of Salvation
The question to ponder: How can I be sure I am saved?
The focus scripture: Ephesians 2:1-10
Session 2: Your Identity in Christ
The question to ponder: What does it mean for my identity to be in Christ?
The focus scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:14-21
Session 3: The Holy Spirit
The question to ponder: How do I relate to the Holy Spirit?
The focus scripture: John 16:4-15
Session 4:The Word of God
The question to ponder: How is the Bible more than a cookbook for living?
The focus scripture: 2 Timothy 3:10-17
Session 5: Prayer
The question to ponder: How is prayer more than a wish list?
The focus scripture: Matthew 6:5-13
Session 6: Sharing Your Faith
The question to ponder: How do I tell others about my faith in Christ?
The focus scripture: Ephesians 6:10-20
Session 7: Spiritual Warfare
The question to ponder: How do I live out my faith in a world full of evil?
The focus scripture: 1 Peter 5:1-10
Session 8: Living by Grace
The question to ponder: How is following Christ more than just a set of rules?
The focus scripture: Romans 6:12-19
Session 9: Spiritual Multiplication
The question to ponder: Why is it important to help others in their journey faith?
The focus scripture: Acts 2:38-47