
My desire for accomplishment is only superseded by the intensity of distractions I allow in my life.

We are made to create and work. Our desire to accomplish is universal. The object of accomplishment ranges from survival to possibly acquiring wealth and power, or hopefully to making a positive impact on the world in some way.

What Gets in My Way?

Lack of focus and overall busyness of life are prevalent distractions in my life. Others may be distracted by … Read the rest

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Be Courageous

The world has changed in the past month or so. We cannot get away from the fact that the normal we were living will never come back. However, we have this unique opportunity to help define what the new normal will be going forward.

Our Shared Experience

We have experienced and heard about the pains of change: death, illness, loss of jobs, schedule changes, loss of hopes, and dreams that will never be accomplished.

We have seen restaurants respond with … Read the rest

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